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February, 2025

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University Hall ONLY

Unsilencing Gaza: Reflections on Resistance by Sara Roy
Gaza, the centre of Palestinian nationalism and resistance to the occupation, is the linchpin of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the key to its resolution. Sara Roy looks at US foreign policy towards the Palestinians and analyzes the trajectory of Israeli policy toward Gaza.

Discussion Leaders: Joe and Siham Alfred
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Counselor Camilla Schwoebel will provide basic training in mindfulness, the practice that involves being aware of the present moment without judgment.
Sponsor: Mary Louise Holmes
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The Membership Committee is responsible for outreach to prospective and current members. We conduct marketing efforts, maintain the website, oversee the member management system (including the roster), provide newsletters and other timely communications, coordinate the Book Group and plan social events. All members are encouraged to experience the benefits of volunteering! Please join us!
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MWES Members gather together for a Virtual Wine & Cheese Hour using ZOOM for active discussions of various topics.
Topic: What is a question that you have always pondered? What is a question you are still looking for an answer?
Sponsors: Joe and Siham Alfred