Calendar of Events - Month View
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In the summer of 1963, as a graduate student at Princeton University, Michael Lipsky became involved in the civil rights movement.
What did it mean to volunteer to participate in the civil rights movement in the early 1960s? Why did some people put themselves "in harms way" and others did not? Michael will discuss what the country was like in 1964, and how his experiences shaped his future and his understanding of himself. Be prepared for an interesting conversation on your formative experiences, focused on why you made the choices you did at a young age.
Sponsor: Jackie Keith
Klein Theatre
Join Gregg Stull, Chair of the UMW Dept of Theatre and Dance, in the Klein Theatre, for the preview of John Proctor is the Villain
What if the hero of The Crucible were actually the villain?
Sponsors: Bob & Carole Hanus
Dr. Tracy Stonestreet, Director of UMW Galleries, will guide members through two exhibitions.
In the duPont Gallery, there is a special show curated by faculty emerita Carole Garmon and assisted by recent alumna Shanna Aberle: If You’re Asking the Question, You Already Know the Answer.
In Ridderhof Martin Gallery, we will view the American premiere of The Double Infinity of Jump!Star: Simmering, an exhibition by internationally-acclaimed American artist George Ferrandi and Jump!Star: Simmering.
The Administration Committee develops policies and plans for operating the organization. It reviews governing documents, updates the Policies and Procedures, monitors finances and projects future needs, proposes the annual budget and member fees.
Members are always welcome to attend our meetings.
University Hall ONLY
Unsilencing Gaza: Reflections on Resistance by Sara Roy
Gaza, the centre of Palestinian nationalism and resistance to the occupation, is the linchpin of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the key to its resolution. Sara Roy looks at US foreign policy towards the Palestinians and analyzes the trajectory of Israeli policy toward Gaza.
Discussion Leaders: Joe and Siham Alfred
Counselor Camilla Schwoebel will provide basic training in mindfulness, the practice that involves being aware of the present moment without judgment.
Sponsor: Mary Louise Holmes
The Membership Committee is responsible for outreach to prospective and current members. We conduct marketing efforts, maintain the website, oversee the member management system (including the roster), provide newsletters and other timely communications, coordinate the Book Group and plan social events. All members are encouraged to experience the benefits of volunteering! Please join us!
MWES Members gather together for a Virtual Wine & Cheese Hour using ZOOM for active discussions of various topics.
Topic: What is a question that you have always pondered? What is a question you are still looking for an answer?
Sponsors: Joe and Siham Alfred
Unsilencing Gaza: Reflections on Resistance by Sara Roy
Gaza, the centre of Palestinian nationalism and resistance to the occupation, is the linchpin of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the key to its resolution. Sara Roy looks at US foreign policy towards the Palestinians and analyzes the trajectory of Israeli policy toward Gaza.
Discussion Leader: Gail Oakes
Want to maintain your independence as you age? Preventing falls helps us stay healthy and mobile!
The Planning for Senior Life and the disAbility Resource Center will share a thought-provoking film about an important topic. Staying safe goes a long way in allowing us to remain independent! A lively panel discussion will follow the film presentation. You don‘t want to miss this!
Sponsor: Linda Hill
The Curriculum Committee is responsible for planning the 45 plus programs that are scheduled each semester. We are always looking for that next new topic on our journey to lifelong learning. Come join us and help develop programs that are interesting and stimulating.
Scott Walker, local historian and Tourmaster, states: A kerfuffle in the countryside of Colonial Virginia is said by some to have set the stage for the revolutionary events 100 years later. “Bacon’s Rebellion“ sure stirred things up. Check out the story and decide for yourself.
Sponsor: Mary Ann Stana
University Hall ONLY
ElderStudy member Rose Reif will discuss Kim, a novel by Rudyard Kipling, published in 1901. Rose will also provide a biography of Rudyard Kipling.
Sponsor: Joe Alfred
Ruba Marshood, Chief Executive Officer of Indy Reads, will discuss the state of literacy, particularly adult literacy, in the US and explore why more than 48 million adults in the United States cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third-grade level, what this means for ourselves, our families, our humanity, and our society, and what we can do about it.
Sponsor: Siham Alfred