University of Mary Washington’s Stafford Campus
Most of our classes are held in University Hall, an auditorium in the Gates Hudson Building (or North Building) at the UMW Stafford Campus.
The Stafford Campus is off of U. S. Route 17 North in Stafford County. If using Interstate 95, take Exit 133 towards Warrenton (north). Coming from Falmouth / Fredericksburg, go three miles past the I–95 interchange on Route 17. Pass Geico and pass the light at Cardinal Forest Drive. At the next light (at Walmart), turn left onto Village Parkway (stay in the rightmost left-turn lane).

You will see the two main campus buildings on the right. Drive past the buildings and take the first right onto University Boulevard. Then, DO NOT take the first two right service roads; continue to the parking lot. Our classroom is in the second building on the right closest to Warrenton Rd, (the North Building).
The auditorium is just to the left after entering the main entrance atrium.
The street / GPS address is 125 University Boulevard, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22406.
For information on luncheon choices near the Stafford Campus, click HERE.
Click HERE to see a Google map showing the Stafford Campus.
UMW Stafford Campus Library
Our Book Group typically meets in the library on the UMW Stafford Campus, the glass-walled area across the hall from the CLL (at the top of the staircase).
Klein Theatre
We typically have several performance art lectures each year at Klein Theatre, located in DuPont Hall, which is on College Avenue between Powhatan and Thornton Streets. It is building #17 on the PDF map of the Fredericksburg Campus (see Maps below).
Ridderhof Martin Gallery
The gallery is located on College Avenue between Thornton Street and Seacobeck Street. It is building 7 on the PDF map of the Campus (see Maps below). The entrance is on the side away from College Avenue. Most of our gallery tours meet here first, then later go to the DuPont Gallery, which is just next door (to the right in the photo).
Lunch on the Fredericksburg Campus
The public may dine in the restaurants at the Top of the UC (fourth floor of the University Center) whenever they are open for service. The University Center is on College Avenue at Parcell Street, building #51 on the Fredericksburg Campus Map. We can also use the Faculty Dining Room in the Maple Salon, also on the fourth floor. There will be a buffet set up in the room, and we can also get food from any of the stations at the Top of the UC. The Maple Salon is not very large, so if we come as a group we may need to sit in the general dining hall. In either space, ElderStudy members get the reduced faculty rate. Wear your badge to help ensure that you get this discount. Try to enter at the cashier’s line at the right when you exit the elevator. Our dining hall contact is Leslie Jacobs, 654–1931; contact her in advance if you are arranging a group luncheon.
Fredericksburg Campus Parking
Parking in on-campus lots and on College Avenue is not easy to find. Parking on certain residential streets near College Avenue is restricted to residents; please check carefully, or you may get a ticket. Many members park on Augustine Avenue, which is one block over from College Avenue and is legal.
Another option is the UMW Parking Deck. From Route 1, take Alvey Drive, which is just down the hill from the pedestrian bridge and just up the hill from the Hospital stoplight. You enter the deck on the top level, which is visitor parking (we are visitors). Walk off the end away from Route 1, and if you don’t know the way, ask a student. This is a reasonable place to park for Gallery Tours and Play Discussions, but there is an uphill stretch to walk.
Members with DMV-issued handicapped parking license plates or hang tags may park in the University’s designated handicapped spaces (but they are often already taken).
Any ElderStudy member may also request a UMW parking pass that allows them to park in any available faculty/staff parking space. Requests for such a pass, which is good for six months, must be made to the UMW Parking Management Office in the basement of Lee Hall.
Public parking is not permitted on streets perpendicular to College Avenue which have “Resident Permit Parking Only” signs. The restriction applies only to the block closest to College Avenue. These streets are: Thornton, Seacobeck, Rowe, Parcell, Payne, and Brent. Other streets near the University have “No UMW Student Parking” signs. This applies to registered students at the University – not ElderStudy members.
Public parking is also allowed along College Avenue from William Street to Route 1, but is rarely available during times when ElderStudy programs are held.
Special Parking for Play Discussions
Thanks to Gregg Stull (Chair, Department of Theatre and Dance), parking for play discussions in the Klein Theatre may be available in the faculty parking lot (Lot 29) directly across the street from DuPont Hall / Klein Theatre. Signs should be posted at the lot entrance on Thornton Street noting that the parking lot is Reserved for ElderStudy from 9am to 1pm. Since policies can change, be sure to observe that the ElderStudy sign is in place at the entrance.
Some tours require advance registration, and some have an attendance limit and/or a fee. If you sign up for a tour but cannot attend, please notify the sponsor so she can try to accommodate someone on a waiting list. Attendees are responsible for transportation to the tour site; please make sure that you understand any instructions, and give yourself plenty of time.
Some tours outside of Fredericksburg may encourage carpooling. One usual carpool forming area is the parking lot of the Greenbrier Shopping Center on Route 3; meet near Altoona Drive. Another carpool forming area is the UMW Stafford Campus parking lot. Check the tour’s description to see if, when, and where carpools may form.